Monday 1 February 2010

Establishing character and setting.

The character is a young adult living on her own. She suffers with bad dreams and insomnia, when she finally gets to sleep at night her dreams are worse. This is what she thinks causes her insomnia. When she dreams she has the same repetative dream -
She starts walking in a feild with trees in bare feet, a girl in a red dress is always running past the trees, she always does this.
The Main character starts to run to get away from this creepy girl.
This whole part of the beginning sets the stile of the film.
Although its not necessary to know the rest of the film, its about the character finding out who this girl is.

Establishing character
Main Character - where does he /she live?
She lives in average house in a village.
What music will we hear over which represents the character or tone or genre of the film?
The Music needs to be the right feel of the film, so for this set it needs to be intense, fast pace for the point of the character feeling like shes being chased, also the whole idea of a crime film so needs to have police electronic equipment sound. Like sirens and radios

A turning point – character comes to a point of no return. Where does this take place?
When she discovers she is being followed.

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